Observación del cielo nocturno

Centro de naturaleza Wehr

Location: Overlook parking lot on the east side of Mallard Lake Look through a telescope and learn about the night sky with experts from the Wehr Astronomical Society. Personal telescopes […]

Conteo de pájaros sentados grandes

Centro de naturaleza Wehr

Birders of all ages and abilities are welcome at a “Big Sit” bird count hosted by Wisconsin Metro Audubon to celebrate World Migratory Bird Day. Experienced birders will be stationed […]

36 evento anual de Halloween de Wehr

Centro de naturaleza Wehr

Enjoy Halloween in nature at Wehr’s Special 36th Edition of Halloween Haunts. Halloween Haunts combines the make-believe, spooky fun of Halloween with the beauty of nighttime nature to create a […]

Caminata de luna llena

Centro de naturaleza Wehr

Ever wonder where the terms “lunatic” and “honeymoon” came from? Learn the facts and folklore about our closest celestial neighbor: the Moon! Explore Wehr Nature Center on a 1-hour hike […]

es_MXEspañol de México