Caminata de luna llena

Centro de naturaleza Wehr

Ever wonder where the terms “lunatic” and “honeymoon” came from? Learn the facts and folklore about our closest celestial neighbor: the Moon! Explore Wehr Nature Center on a 1-hour hike […]

Event Series Búhos

Owl Prowl for Youth Groups FULL

Centro de naturaleza Wehr

Have your Youth Group join our naturalists for an evening with the owls. An interactive program will highlight the amazing adaptations of these nighttime fliers and children will dissect an […]

Event Series Búhos

Caza de búhos para familias en Grant Park

Grant Park Clubhouse 100 Hawthorne Ave., South Milwaukee

Join a naturalist for an evening with the owls. An interactive program will highlight the amazing adaptations of our nocturnal neighbors. Come prepared to walk in search of great-horned and […]

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