Paseo de invierno en Wehr

Centro de naturaleza Wehr

Join us for a winter wonderland walk. Discover how plants and wildlife thrive in our harsh northern climate. Be prepared to explore the outdoors as we learn to decipher clues left behind by winter wildlife. Recommended for ages 6 and up. Fee: $12 per person; $10 for Milwaukee County residents; $7 for members of Friends […]

Event Series Búhos

Owl Prowl for Families – FULL

Centro de naturaleza Wehr

Join a naturalist for an evening with the owls. An interactive program will highlight the amazing adaptations of our nocturnal neighbors. Come prepared to walk in search of great-horned and Eastern screech owls. Each child will dissect an owl pellet to discover what owls eat for dinner! Recommended for ages 6 and older. Fee: $12 […]

Event Series Mago de la naturaleza

Nature Wizard for Families: Rocks Rock

Centro de naturaleza Wehr

Rockhounds will want to join the Nature Wizard as we explore Wehr’s amazing collection of minerals, rocks, and fossils. We will work as a family to test and identify common minerals in our classroom and then go on an indoor and outdoor scavenger hunt to find rocks. Recommended for ages 4 and older. $7 per […]

Event Series Pequeñas maravillas

Little Wonders for Twos: Winter Sleepers

Centro de naturaleza Wehr

A program for toddlers to enjoy with their favorite adult. Wear your pajamas and slippers to the Nature Center and discover what animals sleep away the winter. We will read Bear Snores On by Karma Wilson, eat a bedtime snack, and make cozy dens to sleep in.  Fee: $12 per person; $10 for Milwaukee County […]

Event Series Pequeñas maravillas

Little Wonders for Threes: Winter Sleepers

Centro de naturaleza Wehr

A program for toddlers to enjoy with their favorite adult. Wear your pajamas and slippers to the Nature Center and discover what animals sleep away the winter. We will read Bear Snores On by Karma Wilson, eat a bedtime snack, and make cozy dens to sleep in.  Fee: $12 per person; $10 for Milwaukee County […]

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