Friends of Wehr’s Annual Cider Sunday Fundraiser

Centro de naturaleza Wehr

Wehr's Heritage: 50 Years - Rooted & Growing Wehr Nature Center’s Apple Festival Celebrate fall during this family-friendly event for all ages. This year’s theme is “Wehr’s Heritage: 50 Years - Rooted & Growing” with Wehr history displays and special guest “Johnny Appleseed.” This year, expect to: Meet and have your picture taken with “Johnny […]

Observación del cielo nocturno

Centro de naturaleza Wehr

Location: Overlook parking lot on the east side of Mallard Lake Look through a telescope and learn about the night sky with experts from the Wehr Astronomical Society. Personal telescopes are welcome but not required. Cloudy skies cancel the event. Free. No registration is required.

Conteo de pájaros sentados grandes

Centro de naturaleza Wehr

Birders of all ages and abilities are welcome at a “Big Sit” bird count hosted by Wisconsin Metro Audubon to celebrate World Migratory Bird Day. Experienced birders will be stationed at Wehr’s wetland pier, so stop by to join us and see our species tally. No fee or registration; a $5 parking fee applies to […]

Event Series Club de cámara Wehr

Club de cámara Wehr

Centro de naturaleza Wehr

Wehr Camera Club lleva 40 años compartiendo su pasión por la naturaleza y la fotografía con nuestra comunidad Wehr. El grupo es parte de la Organización de Clubes de Cámaras del Área de Wisconsin y organiza concursos de fotografía y programas educativos abiertos al público. Los programas públicos se llevan a cabo el segundo sábado, durante todo el año, de 9 a 11 am.

36 evento anual de Halloween de Wehr

Centro de naturaleza Wehr

Enjoy Halloween in nature at Wehr’s Special 36th Edition of Halloween Haunts. Halloween Haunts combines the make-believe, spooky fun of Halloween with the beauty of nighttime nature to create a fun event for the whole family. For three nights each year, Wehr’s woodland is transformed into an Enchanted Forest complete with a cackling witch, a […]

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