Operación Recon Naturaleza
Centro de naturaleza Wehr4to viernes/sábado de cada mes
Centro de naturaleza WehrGive yourself the gift of self-care in a beautiful serene setting at Wehr. Join our special monthly yoga series co-hosted by a Barefoot Haven yoga and wellness studio instructor. Participants at all levels and all abilities are welcome in this 60-minute indoor, vinyasa flow class. Fees: $15 per person to Barefoot Haven; a $5 parking […]
Great Whitnall Park Clean-up
Centro de naturaleza WehrJoin us to make an impact at Wehr Nature Center and throughout Whitnall Park by joining the Great Whitnall Park Clean-up on April 26. Be part of the solution! Registration is not required, but is encouraged for planning purposes. Current Wehr volunteers can sign-up on Volgistics beginning Wednesday, March 26. Other interested people can call […]
Operación Recon Naturaleza – Familias
Centro de naturaleza Wehr4to viernes/sábado de cada mes
Nature Nauts: Frog Songs
Centro de naturaleza Wehr¡Una serie de programas llenos de diversión para niños de 4 a 6 años y su adulto favorito!
Nature Nauts: Frog Songs
Centro de naturaleza Wehr¡Una serie de programas llenos de diversión para niños de 4 a 6 años y su adulto favorito!
Caminata por la salud
Centro de naturaleza WehrAdvanced Master Naturalist: Wisconsin Rare Plant Monitoring Program Training
Centro de naturaleza WehrAre you interested in plant conservation in Wisconsin? Join a group of dedicated volunteers who conduct rare plant surveys around the state. Data collected by volunteers are used to assess […]
Nature Wizard for Families: Wild Blossums
Centro de naturaleza WehrJoin us to explore the rainbow of wildflowers that are popping up along Wehr’s trails. We’ll read Wake-up Woods by Michael Homoya to learn about spring nature happenings and then […]
Little Wonders for Twos: Pretty Petals
Centro de naturaleza WehrA program for toddlers to enjoy with their favorite adult. Bring your little sprout to Wehr to enjoy the beauty of spring flowers. We will read Planting a Rainbow by […]
Little Wonders for Threes: Pretty Petals
Centro de naturaleza WehrA program for toddlers to enjoy with their favorite adult. Bring your little sprout to Wehr to enjoy the beauty of spring flowers. We will read Planting a Rainbow by […]