Great Whitnall Park Clean-up
April 26 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Join us to make an impact at Wehr Nature Center and throughout Whitnall Park by joining the Great Whitnall Park Clean-up on April 26. Be part of the solution!
Registration is not required, but is encouraged for planning purposes. Current Wehr volunteers can sign-up on Volgistics beginning Wednesday, March 26. Other interested people can call Wehr Nature Center directly to sign-up. (414) 425-8550. Please meet in front of the visitor center at 9 am to receive your assigned clean-up area, equipment, and instructions. We will provide gloves, bags, and buckets for the clean-up, but feel free to bring your own.
This program is open to all ages and all abilities. If you’d like to request accommodations please contact our Access & Inclusion Coordinator, Emily Brown at Emily.Brown@milwaukeecountywi.gov.