Big Sit Bird Count

Wehr Nature Center

Birders of all ages and abilities are welcome at a “Big Sit” bird count hosted by Wisconsin Metro Audubon to celebrate World Migratory Bird Day. Experienced birders will be stationed at Wehr’s wetland pier, so stop by to join us and see our species tally. No fee or registration; a $5 parking fee applies to […]

Wehr’s 36th Annual Halloween Haunts

Wehr Nature Center

Enjoy Halloween in nature at Wehr’s Special 36th Edition of Halloween Haunts. Halloween Haunts combines the make-believe, spooky fun of Halloween with the beauty of nighttime nature to create a fun event for the whole family. For three nights each year, Wehr’s woodland is transformed into an Enchanted Forest complete with a cackling witch, a […]

Event Series Flow Yoga

Flow Yoga in the Amphitheater

Wehr Nature Center

Join us for a 60-minute, all-level vinyasa flow class in partnership with The Barefoot Haven in Greendale. Grab some friends and enjoy your morning in a serene nature-based setting. Dress for the weather. Learn more and register at: Fee: $15 per session; $5 parking fee applies to non-Friends of Wehr members

Wehr Naturally: Holiday Wreaths

Wehr Nature Center

Kick off the holiday season with friends and family at our wreath-making workshop. Enjoy cider and cookies as you decorate a holiday/seasonal wreath made from invasive oriental bittersweet harvested at Wehr. The program includes a ready-made wreath, fall/Christmas decorations to add, beverages, and snacks. Fees: $40 per person; $35 for Friends of Wehr members Online registration is required by […]

Wehr Naturally: Holiday Wreaths

Wehr Nature Center

Kick off the holiday season with friends and family at our wreath-making workshop. Enjoy cider and cookies as you decorate a holiday/seasonal wreath made from invasive oriental bittersweet harvested at Wehr. The program includes a ready-made wreath, fall/Christmas decorations to add, beverages, and snacks. Fees: $40 per person; $35 for Friends of Wehr members Online registration is required by […]
