Where is Wehr?
Wehr Nature Center is within the 660 acres of Whitnall Park, adjoining the Root River Parkway. Wehr boasts five-miles of trails traversing five-distinct actively managed habitats on a 220-acre property which also includes Mallard Lake. The Center’s entrance is located on College Ave. between S. 92nd St. and S. 108th St.

Hours of Operation
Trails are open dawn to dusk, year-round.
Parking lot is locked from 5pm – 8am during October – January.
Visitor Center
Open everyday from 8:30am – 4:30pm
The Friends of Wehr Nature Store (ran by volunteers) is typically open from 10-2pm though hours vary – call ahead.
Holiday Hours:
While observing holiday hours, trails remain open – the Nature Center is closed:
Sunday, April 20: Easter
Monday, May 26: Memorial Day
Thursday, June 19: Juneteenth Day
Friday, July 4: Independence Day
Monday, Sept. 1: Labor Day
Tuesday, Nov. 11 Veterans’ Day* Open
Thursday, Nov. 27: Thanksgiving Day
Friday, Nov. 28: Friday After Thanksgiving Day*
Thursday, Dec. 25: Christmas Day
Thursday, Jan. 1, 2026: New Year’s Day
$5 per day/per vehicle.
$4 per day/per vehicle for veterans or disability (payment must be made inside the Visitor Center)
Friends of Wehr members park for free.
For tour bus parking, contact Wehr at 414-425-8550
Select Programs and special events charge fees for participation.
Organized group nature hike pre-registration is required.
Photography/Videography That REQUIRES a Permit
Any photography/videography by a paid or professional photographer – and any photography using final images in the stream of commerce – requires a Photography/Videography Permit.
Photography/Videography That Does NOT Require a Permit
You do not need a permit to take personal-use photos of Wehr Nature Center plants, wildlife, or casual shots of a person in your party.
Stay on designated trails. Leave no trace. No bikes.
No foraging or collecting.
Boating and fishing are not permitted.
Pets are prohibited. Leashed service dogs are allowed.
Wehr Nature Center Trail Map
Press shift + click to zoom
Explore Trails
All Abilities Loop
1-Mile Loop (Easy)
Made up of boardwalk, the All Abilities loop invites people of all abilities to roll, stroll, or amble through a variety of wetland habitats. Enjoy the view of Mallard Lake from the accessible pier and take a rest on one of several benches. This trail is actively expanding to include a stop at the new Accessible Observation Blind and connection back to the Parking Lot (coming soon). These projects would not be possible without the Friends of Wehr.
Lake Loop
1.5-Mile Loop (Easy)
Made up of boardwalk, woodchips, gravel, and dirt, the Lake Loop follows the shoreline of Mallard Lake to a beautiful waterfall which flows into the Root River. This trail leads you through wetland, lowland forest, and along the base of the prairie and is great for bird watchers and explorers alike.
Grasslands Loop
0.9-Mile Loop (Moderate)
Made up of woodchips, stairs, grass, and dirt, explore the native grasslands of Wisconsin along this scenic trail. Stop by the interpretive exhibits to learn the difference between an Oak Savanna and a Tall Grass Prairie. This trail features steep, long slopes.
Woodland Loop
1-Mile Loop (Moderate)
Made up of boardwalk, woodchips, stairs, and dirt. Hike up and down moraines left behind by the glaciers. Visit 200yr old oaks in our Oak Woodland & hike through an early succession forest. Be prepared for some extended, steep slopes with steps on paths.
Connector Trails
These foot paths are made up of wood chips, grass, and dirt which serve to connect the looped trails and provide access to other unique points of interest within Wehr Nature Center’s property.
Key Features
Accessible Boardwalk & Pier
Donated and built by the Friends of Wehr Nature Center, the accessible boardwalk and pier are made possible through member support and make possible all season and all abilities travel through a variety of lake and wetland habitats at Wehr.
Mallard Lake & Accessible Viewing Deck
Donated and built in 2011, the accessible viewing deck allows visitors of all abilities to enjoy an scenic view of Mallard Lake– a beautiful vista to sit and reflect, as well as an important wildlife hotspot.
Early Childhood Play Space
Dedicated in Memory of Carol Block, this is an area for young explorers to enjoy nature. Built in 2011 and located right outside the center, the play space offers a sandbox, stepping stones, and a log cabin playhouse.
Inside the Wehr Nature Center
The exploration area features a variety of natural history displays, wildlife viewing, and an indoor beehive. The Marilyn J. Gardner Room is a multi-purpose room used for educational programs and private special events.

Checked the bird feeders at Wehr lately? This is the time of year when many species of birds are nesting. Nesting birds feed insects to their young and don’t often visit feeders during the summer months.